Burning Man is an annual week-long experiment in temporary community. It is a city in the desert, a culture of possibilities, and a network of dreamers and doers. Dedicated to anti-consumerism and self-expression, the Burning Man Festival attracts more than 65,000 participants. Dates for the event vary slightly each year, but lands between the last week of August and the first week of September.

Burning man caters for wide variety of people, music lovers, arts lovers, culture lovers, the list is endless. The whole city is build from the participants, it has no big fancy companies funding and paid workers involved. It is built on love, friendships, radical-inclusion amongst the people who turn up year in, year out, and the ever growing numbers each year speak for themselves.

The gathering goes on for 7days where in which the large effigy situated at the centre of the playa is burned on the 6th night. Along with other pieces of art which are burned over the course of the week, that are a spectacle to witness.

There is so much that Burning Man has to offer and plenty of sights to behold. There are many themed camps that make up the city that are stylistically built by the attendees to suit the purpose or the message that each camp specifically wants to put out. All these camps are built in a clock shape between 2oclock and 10 oclock, and because the sheer scale of the city, each place has an address so the attendees know how to get to them.

Normally art cars are on the fringe and considered alternative and kooky. At Burning Man, however, art cars suddenly become cool, and more, they are integrated into the community and celebrated as part of the event's identity. The art car artist is thus made to feel more like a hero than a freak, a part of the inside instead of on the outside.As long as the art cars have the right to be driven, to be mobile and given life, they will in turn give life to the event regardless of its size and location. It may not be apparent to the average viewer, but the art cars help to flip the definition of our sense of community and our values by placing artistic expression more at the top of the totem pole and manufactured unoriginal consumer images (cars) at the bottom where they belong. If only real life was like Burning Man in which only art cars were given permits to drive!